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One pot granulator offers a choice of mixing, granulation and drying options integrated into one processing vessel. Flexi­ble technology for standard wet granulation, melt granulation or effervescent production is combined with vacuum or microwave drying.


One pot granulator offers a choice of mixing, granulation and drying options integrated into one processing vessel. Flexi­ble technology for standard wet  granulation,  melt  granulation or effervescent production is combined with vacuum or microwave drying.

Working Principle

The powdered material is mixed by an agitator in the working vessel. As mixing continues, it is then wetted or sprayed with a binder and cut into uniform wet granules by a chopper.Then drying  and sizing  of the granules  is done  in one machine.


■ Top driven agitator blades and chopper, which can completely prevent water and dust from coming into the transmission of the agitator and chopper
■ Washing in place
■ Jacket design for heating the pot

Mixing, wet granulating and drying completed in a single pot combined with vacuum  or  micro wave  drying

■ Compact design, reduce space by incorporating several processing steps into one machine

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